We get it...
Businesses juggle priorities every day – building products, solving problems, and addressing customer needs. While it goes without saying, your current and future employees are the keys to your success.
Yet your recruiters too default to traditional “checklist” practices filling jobs based on known, but rigid, educational and job requirements.
The result? Millions of workers – many coming from diverse and “alternative pathways” (AP) who are eager, hardworking and dependable candidates – are excluded from online searches, resume reviews, and recruitment screens never to enter, let alone advance, through the hiring funnel.
Until Fork...
Fork helps your teams find and build broader and more diverse talent pools. We pride ourselves on helping employers bring otherwise untapped talent into their organization, while guiding often overlooked or underemployed candidates into previously unattainable jobs. Best of all? Fork is designed to work with your existing ATS or HCM/HRM systems.
What can Fork do for you?
Prepare your talent for for jobs of the future by mapping your employees with jobs of the future within or outside of your organization with the upskilling they need to get there. Track their progress across the span of their careers.
Go beyond typical recruiting methods for an expanded 360° view into diverse and job-ready talent pools, free from the inherent biases of traditional job sites.
Because Fork’s matching algorithms are built with “explainable” results, your managers are equipped with the transparency they need to manage against the bias and discriminatory outcomes – and legal exposure – that comes with the automated, black-box recruiting tools widely in use today.
How it works
Fork’s AI Career Progression Model (CPM) uses classical AI and deep learning methods to uncover vertical job pathways between, say, an executive assistant and a cybersecurity specialist or a customer service representative and an inside sales role, as well as the guidance for getting there along the career journey. These pathways are in stark contrast with today’s job-matching norms that do nothing more than trap employees in low-growth occupations and lateral career moves.
Fork provides job-growth pathways that are free from historical biases and dependencies and swings open the door for blue collar to white-collar professional movements within or across industries.​